Design Process: Shadow box
In this assignment, I was given the task to create a box with content within that shows a certain feeling or memory of one's past.
- Gift Wrap Tissues
- Craft smart Modeling Clay
- Wooden Dowels
- Wooden boards x2 (8"x10")
- Wooden boards x2 (9"x11")
- Blue Bristol Board
- White Beads
- Plexi Glass x2 (8"x10")
- Sticky Note
- Faber Castell Pencil Crayons
- Wood glue
- Scotch Tape
- Sand Paper
Creative Process:
I first brainstormed some ideas and looked at other work students had made during the past few years. I had gotten some ideas of what I wanted to make so I made some thumbnails sketches on the ideas I had.
Thumbnails of Concepts
Production Method:
I first picked the final concept I had wanted to make which was the scene with the tent. I intended this to be a camping scene. I then elaborated on the idea of the tent and produced the final concept picture I would create for the final.
Final Concept
Looking at this concept, I intend to have simple materials used to create this scene. I first started constructing the structure of the box. I used 2 of the boards as the background of the boards and cut them to 8 inches by 10 inches. I then used the blue Bristol board and glued it over the board. I did this to have the right color for the background of the shadow box.
Taped Blued Bristol board onto 8"x10" wooden board
I then continued to work on the background of the shadow box first. I used pencil crayons to change the color of the background. I wanted to create a darker background to make it feel like night. I used the black pencil crayon as well as various blue colored pencil crayons. I had also used white in order to make the moon as well as some of the stars. I added some red in the background for some detail. 
Colored Bristol boards using Color Pencils
Next, I moved onto constructing the base of the shadow box including the background. I first sanded down the 9"x11" wooden board. I then used the 9"x11" as the base and I glued the two 8"x10" background onto the one 9"x11" wooden board vertically using the wood glue as well as the glue gun.
Glued 2 smaller boards vertically on the larger wooden board
I then started to create the ground for the scene. I used gray modeling clay to cover over the wooden base. I used blue modeling clay to create the river that matches the concept I had drew earlier.
Applied Modeling clay to create the ground of the shadow box
I used the white beads to create the texture feeling of rocks and I had tried to mold rocks using the gray clay. I then continued to finis the ground of the scene. I had used green modeling clay to create grass in the background. I used white clay to create the pavement near the river. I created a small campfire using the brown, red and gray clay and placed it near the front of the box. I used some of the brown clay to create wooden logs for the campfire.
Continue applying Modeling clay to finish the ground and created a campfire
I continued working on the ground of the scene, I used some more beads to create the rocky texture on the white clay. I then started to work on the tent. I made the tent out of the wooden dowels as well as a sheet of stick note. I used gray clay to create small rocks around the tent to hold the tent in place. I then moved onto creating the tree using the dowels as the base skeleton to hold up the clay. I used darker brown and light brown to create the tree. I then used the green gift wrap tissue to create the bushes as well as the leaves of the tree.
Created tent and finished the tree in the background
I finished this project by gluing the 2 8"x10" plexi glass on the front to create a window for the viewer to look at. I then sanded the last 9"x11" wooden board and glued it on top of the box to finish the box itself.
Final Shadow Box
Overall, I had fun doing this project as I could create something physically visible. I had used the materials the best I could to create the main objects within the shadow box relating back to my concept. I had wished I could have put some more detail into some objects, for example the campfire. In the end this project met the expectation I had set earlier during the concept creating process.
Shadow Box

Shadow Box
